Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How many do we need to make 10?

Our mathematicians played a math game today to practice making 10. One student held a number on his/her forehead. The other student had to tell how many more was needed to make 10. The student with the number displayed had to guess what number was showing.   
"You need to 10"
"You need eight more to make 10."

What questions do scientists ask?

Student scientists asked questions as we started an experiment. What will happen to the oil if we pour it into a glass container of water?
What will happen to the food colouring if we put several drops on top of the oil?
How did the food colouring drop through the oil and into the water?
Our little scientist wrote about the questions they had as we completed the experiment.
They also drew pictures of what they observed. Scientists write down thei data they collect and draw their observations in their scientific notebooks. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Scientists Using Arrrrrg Senses

We tasted apples. 
"Mmmm...sweet."    "Juicy!"
It smells like sweet"
"I think it smells like cardboard."
"I can see tiny dots with my hand lens."
" I can see red and yellow on my apple."
"My apple looks bigger through a hand lens."

Our Crew!

We are a mighty crew with mighty promises that will aid in a successful school year full of learning.  

First Week of First Grade

We had a wonderful first week!  Students practiced habits and routines.